Newsletter November 2017

IN THIS ISSUE  Quick QC Guide to monitoring labs with SD intervals | NewGenGold exhibition Perth | Gold homogeneity in certified reference materials | Holiday closure period | West African agent for OREAS CRMs | Latest CRM releases | New CRMs coming soon |

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Newsletter June 2017

IN THIS ISSUE  BIG DATA: OREAS SuperCRMs have you covered! | Upcoming exhibition/trade show attendences |   Technical Note – Achieving homogeneity |   West African agent for OREAS CRMs |   Lateritic soil lithogeochem CRMs – restocked |   Latest CRM releases |   New CRMs for 2017 |

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Over 200 tonnes of OREAS CRMs in stock

Throughout 2016 we expanded our inventories to ensure our valued customers have continuity of supply. In 2016, all previous stock records were broken with over 200 tonnes of OREAS CRMs now ready to ship. Prominent amongst this is our largest batch ever produced: 6.4 tonnes of OREAS 253 (1.22ppm Au). As with…

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OREAS News December 2016

IN THIS ISSUE Over 200 tonnes of OREAS CRMs in stock Holiday closure period Major & Trace element data added to 36 CRMs Technical Note – Rotary Splitting Industry support to innovative technologies Latest CRM releases New CRMs for 2017  SPECIAL: Gold Homogeneity in Certified Reference Materials; A Comparison of…

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Presentation to Russian Kazakhstanian and Tajikistanian geoscientists

On the 10th June, in celebration of the 15th anniversary of “VVS-Engineering”, the traditional international seminar “TESTING 2016” was undertaken with the assistance of the Ural Chamber of Commerce. Organized by LLC “VVS-Engineering” one of the key presentations featured Craig Hamlyn from Ore Research & Exploration. The seminar was attended by…

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Barren chip CRM’s at low prices

Our relocation has allowed us to consolidate all our facilities under the one roof. This has lead to increased efficiencies and faster turnaround times and we are now able to offer barren chip CRM’s at reduced prices. Our chip CRM’s are designed to have the appearance of RC drill chip…

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