
The material consists of andesite (ferroan enstatite) rock sourced from an operating (Allandale) quarry located approx. 40 km northwest of the city of Newcastle in New South Wales, Australia. This light grey, Carboniferous rock forms a small, hydrothermally altered, remnant volcanic (Blair Duguid) inlier within gentle to moderately folded Permian shallow marine sediments of the Sydney Basin. The mineralogy consists of andesine plagioclase (44 %), vermiculite, smectite (37 %), quartz amygdales (13 %) and hypersthene clinopyroxene (3 %).
Analyte Certified Value 1SD Expanded Uncertainty Low Expanded Uncertainty High Method
Al2O3, Aluminium(III) oxide (wt.%) 16.70 0.362 16.42 16.99 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
As, Arsenic (ppm) < 5.00 IND IND IND Miscellaneous Assay Methods
B, Boron (ppm) < 50 IND IND IND Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Ba, Barium (ppm) 292 23 282 302 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Be, Beryllium (ppm) 0.98 0.19 0.74 1.22 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Bi, Bismuth (ppm) < 2.00 IND IND IND Miscellaneous Assay Methods
CaO, Calcium oxide (wt.%) 5.62 0.137 5.51 5.72 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Cd, Cadmium (ppm) < 10.0 IND IND IND Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Ce, Cerium (ppm) 32.8 2.80 30.5 35.0 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Co, Cobalt (ppm) 18.6 1.48 16.8 20.4 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Cr2O3, Chromium(III) oxide (ppm) 97 20 73 121 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Cs, Caesium (ppm) 0.83 0.16 0.62 1.05 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Cu, Copper (ppm) 47.9 4.40 39.2 56.6 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Dy, Dysprosium (ppm) 3.47 0.218 3.10 3.84 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Er, Erbium (ppm) 1.99 0.170 1.74 2.24 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Eu, Europium (ppm) 1.11 0.074 1.01 1.22 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Fe2O3, Iron(III) oxide (wt.%) 6.14 0.129 6.04 6.25 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Ga, Gallium (ppm) 18.1 1.09 16.3 19.9 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Gd, Gadolinium (ppm) 3.92 0.233 3.50 4.33 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Ge, Germanium (ppm) 1.02 0.083 0.89 1.15 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Ho, Holmium (ppm) 0.66 0.041 0.57 0.74 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
In, Indium (ppm) < 0.20 IND IND IND Miscellaneous Assay Methods
K2O, Potassium oxide (wt.%) 0.763 0.035 0.739 0.787 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
La, Lanthanum (ppm) 15.3 0.84 14.3 16.3 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Li, Lithium (ppm) 15.9 1.00 14.0 17.8 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
LOI1000, Loss On Ignition @1000 °C (wt.%) 4.90 0.83 4.07 5.74 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Lu, Lutetium (ppm) 0.28 0.024 0.24 0.33 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
MgO, Magnesium oxide (wt.%) 3.27 0.075 3.21 3.32 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
MnO, Manganese oxide (wt.%) 0.088 0.004 0.086 0.091 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Mo, Molybdenum (ppm) < 5.00 IND IND IND Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Na2O, Sodium oxide (wt.%) 4.27 0.072 4.20 4.34 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Nb, Niobium (ppm) 3.71 0.97 2.72 4.69 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Nd, Neodymium (ppm) 18.9 0.81 16.8 21.0 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Ni, Nickel (ppm) 31.3 4.4 24.2 38.3 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
P2O5, Phosphorus(V) oxide (wt.%) 0.233 0.012 0.223 0.243 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Pr, Praseodymium (ppm) 4.27 0.322 3.91 4.64 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Rb, Rubidium (ppm) 17.4 0.39 16.5 18.3 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Sb, Antimony (ppm) < 2.00 IND IND IND Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Sc, Scandium (ppm) 15.5 0.57 14.3 16.7 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
SiO2, Silicon dioxide (wt.%) 57.67 1.034 56.74 58.59 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Sm, Samarium (ppm) 4.06 0.47 3.56 4.56 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Sr, Strontium (ppm) 634 53 594 673 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Ta, Tantalum (ppm) < 5.00 IND IND IND Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Tb, Terbium (ppm) 0.56 0.054 0.44 0.68 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Te, Tellurium (ppm) < 1.00 IND IND IND Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Th, Thorium (ppm) 1.81 0.22 1.61 2.01 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
TiO2, Titanium dioxide (wt.%) 0.713 0.023 0.696 0.730 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Tl, Thallium (ppm) < 0.50 IND IND IND Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Tm, Thulium (ppm) 0.27 0.03 0.24 0.31 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
U, Uranium (ppm) 0.53 0.07 0.40 0.65 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
V, Vanadium (ppm) 130 14 118 142 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
W, Tungsten (ppm) < 5.00 IND IND IND Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Y, Yttrium (ppm) 18.3 1.47 17.0 19.6 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Yb, Ytterbium (ppm) 1.85 0.20 1.49 2.21 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Zn, Zinc (ppm) 79 4.0 72 87 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
Zr, Zirconium (ppm) 127 7 115 138 Miscellaneous Assay Methods
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