OREAS 170a

OREAS 170a is a high grade supergene manganese ore matrix-matched certified reference material (MMCRM) prepared and certified by Ore Research & Exploration. The material was sourced from the Groote Eylandt Mining Company Pty Ltd (GEMCO) Mn deposit which is hosted within a shallow dipping Lower Cretaceous sedimentary rock unit. Groote Eylandt is in the Gulf of Carpentaria off the coast of Australia’s Northern Territory. OREAS 170a is one of two MMCRMs characterised for MnO, Fe2O3, SiO2, Al2O3, MgO, CaO, TiO2, K2O, P2O5, Na2O and LOI via lithium borate fusion with XRF finish.

Analyte Certified Value 1SD 95% Confidence Limits Low 95% Confidence Limits High Method
Mn, Manganese (wt.%) 45.06 0.360 44.79 45.32 Borate Fusion XRF
SiO2, Silicon dioxide (wt.%) 11.34 0.070 11.30 11.39 Borate Fusion XRF
Fe2O3, Iron(III) oxide (wt.%) 6.49 0.100 6.41 6.56 Borate Fusion XRF
Al2O3, Aluminium(III) oxide (wt.%) 4.44 0.050 4.41 4.47 Borate Fusion XRF
CaO, Calcium oxide (wt.%) 0.090 0.004 0.088 0.092 Borate Fusion XRF
K2O, Potassium oxide (wt.%) 1.70 0.030 1.67 1.72 Borate Fusion XRF
MgO, Magnesium oxide (wt.%) 0.222 0.021 0.207 0.237 Borate Fusion XRF
MnO, Manganese oxide (wt.%) 58.17 0.465 57.83 58.51 Borate Fusion XRF
Na2O, Sodium oxide (wt.%) 0.276 0.034 0.034 0.302 Borate Fusion XRF
P2O5, Phosphorus(V) oxide (wt.%) 0.152 0.005 0.149 0.155 Borate Fusion XRF
TiO2, Titanium dioxide (wt.%) 0.179 0.005 0.176 0.181 Borate Fusion XRF
LOI1000, Loss on ignition @1000 °C (wt.%) 12.14 0.070 12.09 12.19 Thermogravimetry
Certificate DataPack SDS NRAM (226 KB)
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