OREAS 415 is a magnetite-rich ore sourced from the Hawks Nest magnetite project located in South Australia, within the Woomera Prohibited Area (approx. 50 km southwest of Peculiar Knob). The certification program will include:

  • Iron Ore package by borate fusion with XRF
  • Multi-temperature LOI at 371° C, 425° C, 650° C and 1000° C
  • Full elemental suites by 4-acid digestion with ICP-OES/MS
  • SG by gas or liquid pycnometry
  • FeO by HF/H2SO4 digestion with titration
  • Magnetic Susceptibility by Satmagan 135
  • Davis Tube Recovery using 20-30g sample size with preferred settings: Stroke frequency 60/minute or 90/minute, Stroke length 38mm, Magnetic field strength 3000 gauss, Tube angle 45 degrees, Tube diameter 38mm, Washing time 20 minutes or until clear.
Note: Analyte values are indicative only and may change when certified.

Analyte Indicative Value 1SD Expanded Uncertainty Low Expanded Uncertainty High Method
Fe, Iron (wt.%) 65.50 TBD TBD TBD Borate Fusion XRF
SiO2-Rx, Reactive silica (wt.%) 4.75 TBD TBD TBD Borate Fusion XRF
Ni, Nickel (ppm) 30.0 TBD TBD TBD Borate Fusion XRF
Cu, Copper (ppm) 60 TBD TBD TBD Borate Fusion XRF
Co, Cobalt (ppm) 10.0 TBD TBD TBD Borate Fusion XRF
Mn, Manganese (wt.%) 0.060 TBD TBD TBD Borate Fusion XRF
Certificate DataPack SDS NRAM (226 KB)
Stock Coming Soon

This CRM is currently in production and not yet available for orders.

  • Pack Size
    Stock Level
  • TBD