OREAS Update December 2014

Before the festive season begins six new epithermal Ag-Cu-Au ore CRMs (OREAS 600 series) and two medium grade Mn ore CRMs (OREAS 171 & 172) will be released. And in January 2015 five VMS Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag-Au ore CRMs will be released (OREAS 620 series) .

In February six carbonatite-hosted REE ore CRMs will be available and a new suite of Cu-Au oxide ore CRMs. Further down the track of 2015, three greenstone-hosted Au ores will be available and we hold high hopes of securing Merensky Reef PGE ore material to develop into CRMs.

Many of these suites will come under the SuperCRM classification we introduced last year (i.e. incorporate full ICP-OES and ICP-MS suite certifications). The suites to be released are shown below along with a brief description and their expected grades.

  1. Six high sulphidation epithermal Ag-Cu-Au CRMs

OREAS 600 to 605 are sourced from Evolution Mining’s new Mount Carlton operation in Queensland, Australia. Available as certified product December 2014. Target grades shown below.

OREAS Ag ppm Au ppm Cu %
600 25 0.2 0.05
601 50 0.8 0.1
602 120 2 0.5
603 300 5 1.0
604 500 1.4 2.1
605 1000 1.7 4.8

Certification program to include:

  • Full elemental suite by 4-acid digest and by aqua regia digest with ICP-OES & MS;
  • Au by fire assay + Au by aqua regia digest with ICP finish;
  • S by Leco.
  1. Five VMS Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag-Au CRMs

OREAS 620 to 624 are sourced from MMG’s Golden Grove mine in Western Australia. Available as certified product mid January 2015. Target grades shown below.

OREAS Cu % Pb % Zn % Ag ppm Au ppm
620 0.17 0.8 3.2 39 0.66
621 0.36 1.37 5.2 69 1.2
622 0.48 2.24 10.2 103 1.8
623 1.77 0.25 1.0 20 0.75
624 3.15 0.63 2.3 45 1.1

Certification program to include:

  • Full elemental suite by 4-acid digest and by aqua regia digest with ICP-OES & MS;
  • Au by fire assay and by aqua regia digest with ICP finish;
  • S by Leco.
  1. Two medium grade Mn ore CRMs

OREAS 171 and 172 are sourced from the Groote Eylandt Mining Company’s (GEMCO) Mn deposit situated in the Gulf of Carpentaria off the coast of Australia’s Northern Territory. Certificates are expected to be available late December, 2014. Target grades shown below.

171 35
172 43
  1. Six carbonatite-hosted REE CRMs

OREAS 460 to 465 (ranging 0.5-10% TREO) are sourced from Lynas Corporation’s Mount Weld Mine in WA, Australia. Certified products available February 2015.

  1. Four Cu-Au oxide ore CRMs

OREAS 905 to 908 consist of oxide copper-gold ore sourced from MMG’s Golden Grove deposit in Western Australia. Certificates are expected to be available in March, 2015. Target grades shown below.

OREAS Cu % Au ppm Ag ppm
905 0.14 0.36 0.43
906 0.30 0.05 0.7
907 0.61 0.1 1.3
908 1.20 0.19 2.3
  1. Three greenstone-hosted Au ore CRMs

OREAS 214 to 216 consist of primary gold ore sourced from Doray Mineral’s Andy Well deposit located north of Meekatharra in Western Australia and blended with Cambrian greenstone from Heathcote quarry in northern Victoria, Australia. Certificates are expected to be available Q2, 2015. Target grades shown below.

OREAS Au ppm
214 3.0
215 3.5
216 6.6
  1. Four Merensky Reef PGE ore CRMs

OREAS 680 to 683 will be sourced from Anglo American Platinum’s Dishaba Mine in South Africa.

Certificates are expected to be available Q3 2015 pending supply of material.

Certification program to include:

  • Pt-Pd-Au by Pb fire assay;
  • Pt-Pd-Ru-Rh-Ir-(Os)-Au by NiS fire assay;
  • Ni, Cu and full suite ICP-OES and MS by aqua regia digestion;
  • Ni, Cu and full suite ICP-OES and MS by four acid digestion.