Latest OREAS releases 2018

Three Au-Ag ore CRMs

These CRMs replace the earlier generation and are sourced from the Cracow (low sulphidation) epithermal Au-Ag deposit located in Queensland, Australia. Certified Values for Au, Ag and S are shown below.

OREAS Au ppm Ag ppm S wt.% Description
60d 2.47 4.47 0.57 (replaces OREAS 60c)
61f 4.60 3.64 0.41 (replaces OREAS 61e)
62f 9.71 5.47 0.20 (replaces OREAS 62e)


Analytical certification includes:

  1. Au by 25-40g fire assay with ICP-OES or AAS finish;
  2. Au by aqua regia digest (15 to 50g sample) with ICP-OES or AAS finish;
  3. Four acid digestion for full suite ICP-OES and ICP-MS;
  4. Aqua regia digestion for full suite ICP-OES and ICP-MS.

Prices: $7.35/ 60g unit and $61.00/ 500g jar (prices in AUD).


Four low level Au oxide CRMs

OREAS 260 to 263 are low level gold oxide CRMs sourced from the Sepon Carlin style deposit in Laos. Certified Values for Au, Cu and Zn are shown below.

OREAS Au ppb Cu ppm Zn ppm Description
260 16 46.5 125  replaces OREAS H1
261 49 64 128  replaces OREAS H5
262 99 118 154  new CRM
263 214 87 127  new CRM

Analytical certification includes:

  1. Au by low level, fire assay with ICP-OES or MS;
  2. Au by 15-25g aqua regia digest with AAS or ICP finish and
  3. Full elemental suite by aqua regia digestion with ICP-OES and MS analysis.

Prices: $5.34/ 60g unit and $44.50/ 500g jar (prices in AUD).


Five Merensky Reef PGE ore CRMs

OREAS 680 to 684 were largely developed using PGE ores sourced from Anglo Platinum’s Dishaba Mine in South Africa. Some high grade copper and nickel ores were added to OREAS 680. Certified Values for Au, Pt, Pd, Ni and Cu are shown below.

OREAS Au ppb Pt ppb Pd ppb Ni ppm Cu ppm
680 161 405 281 21,500 9040
681 51 526 243 518 272
682 74 868 444 572 261
683 207 1760 853 1215 405
684 248 3870 1720 2230 1001


Analytical certification includes:

  1. Pt-Pd-Au by Pb fire assay ICP-OES or MS;
  2. Pt-Pd-Ru-Rh-Ir-Au by NiS fire assay ICP-MS;
  3. Ni, Cu and full suite by peroxide fusion ICP-OES & MS;
  4. Ni, Cu and full suite by 4-acid digest ICP-OES & MS.

Prices: $11.70/ 60g unit and $95.00/ 500g jar (prices in AUD).


Two glacial till multi-element CRMs

Glacial till material sourced from Quebec, Canada has been used to develop OREAS 46 (a blank/ low level geochem CRM) and OREAS 47 (an anomalous geochem-level CRM), ideal for exploration in glacial terrains. Certified Values for a selection of analytes are shown below.





















46 <3 0.59* 0.55* 9.9 10.5 23 2 0.8 27 36
47 44 44 29 54 43 160 288 13 89 222

*Indicative value only


Analytical certification includes:

Au by 25-50g fire assay with ICP or AAS finish;

  1. Au by aqua regia digest (15 to 50g sample) with ICP-MS;
  2. Four acid digestion for full suite by ICP-OES and ICP-MS;
  3. Aqua regia digestion for full suite by ICP-OES and ICP-MS;
  4. Fusion for full suite by ICP-OES and ICP-MS;

Prices: $3.00/ 10g unit, $9.35/ 60g unit and $77.50/ 500g jar (prices in AUD).


Lateritic soil lithogeochem CRMs – restocking

Highly popular with the exploration industry since their release in 2004, the OREAS 45 series tradition will continue following procurement of a further 10 tonnes of this Cu-Ni-PGE anomalous ferruginous soil. Labelled OREAS 45f and 45h, the new products will complement the OREAS SuperCRM® range that now boasts a total of 88 CRMs. Selected certified values below.

OREAS Au ppb Pt ppb Pd ppb Cu ppm Zn ppm Co ppm Ni ppm As ppm
45f 19.3 38.1 56.6 362 35 49 256 9.7
45h 41.1 87.5 128 767 40 88 423 16.9


Certification program includes:

  1. Lithium borate fusion for full suite X-ray fluorescence and LOI at 1000oC;
  2. Sodium peroxide fusion / lithium borate fusion for full suite ICP-OES and ICP-MS;
  3. Four acid digestion for full suite ICP-OES and ICP-MS;
  4. Aqua regia digestion for full suite ICP-OES and ICP-MS;
  5. Fire assay with ICP-OES and ICP-MS for Au, Pd and Pt;
  6. Instrumental neutron activation analysis for Au on 1g subsamples to confirm homogeneity;
  7. Infra-red combustion furnace for C and S.

Prices: $3.00/ 10g unit, $9.35/ 60g unit and $155.00/ 1kg jar (prices in AUD).


Greenstone-hosted Au ore CRMs – restocking

Au (in ppm) certified values are shown below.

OREAS Au FA Au CN leach Description
219 0.760 0.75   (replaces OREAS 202)
226 5.45 5.45 (replaces OREAS 210)
216b 6.66 6.65 (replaces OREAS 216)
228b 8.57 8.40 (replaces OREAS 228)
229b 11.95 11.76 (replaces OREAS 229)


Certification program includes:

  1. Au by fire assay on 25-40g charge with AAS or ICP finish;
  2. Au by 15-50g aqua regia digest with AAS or ICP finish;
  3. Au by cyanide leach method;
  4. Full elemental suite by aqua regia digestion with ICP-OES and MS.

Prices: $5.34/ 60g unit, $22.50/ 250g unit and $89.00/ 1kg jar (prices in AUD).